Step 1 - Preparation and Material

The following are planning and material suggestions.

1. Mark Your Sprinklers – You might check and mark where your sprinklers are located. Try to find where your water lines run so you don’t spike into them with the guide wire stakes.

2. Material
You’ll need 10 ft plastic PVC pipes, some guide wire and some rebar stakes. I'm using 3 PVC pipes this year.

Here's a typical cost estimate.

Qty Desc Cost
Three 3/4 inch x 10 foot PVC40 PE Pipe ($1.65 each) $4.95

Guide Wire. One 16 Guage Galvanized Wire 200 ft ($6.29 each) $6.29

At least twelve 3/8 inch x 12 inch rebar stakes ( .65 each) $7.80
One stake for each pipe / tree trunk, and at least 3 stakes for guide wires for each tree. Stakes anchor the guide wire into the ground.

$19.04 Total
This total is just for basic tree construction. It does not include expense for lights, extension cords, timers, any tree topper you might desire, and let's not forget the daily electricity bill. So a little consideration is warranted before launching out on this endeavor.

3. Plan the Location of Your Trees – assess the layout of your yard and plan where you’ll put up your trees. Take into consideration your view from inside your house and perhaps the neighbor's view from the streets and backyard.

Now click "Step 2 - Construction"